Don’t be so Weepy, Willow Remember Pocahontas’ mentor, Grandmother Willow, who guided Pocahontas through all the tough times that came her way? Well REVV will be your Grandmother Willow. REVV has an herb called white willow, and it similar to Grandmother Willow in the sense that they both have “willow” in their name. Both Grandmother Willow and white willow bark can help you through painful times, however, one helps to rid of emotional pain while the other rids of inflammation.
White willow bark comes from a tree native to Europe and Asia. Its name "white willow" was chosen because of the white specks found on the leaves of the tree. White willow is used to treat pain due to inflammatory disorders such as fever, joint pain, and osteoarthritis. It works in such cases because of its active ingredient salicin. Salicin converts to salicylic acid in the body, which primarily targets the inflammation. This is the same ingredient which the makers of Aspirin tried duplicating in their pain-relievers; however, the man-made type of salicin is very hard on the stomach and can destroy the stomach lining.
Speaking of destroying, the most common type of pain that is complained about today is debilitating back pain. This is usually because a person’s core isn’t strong enough or they use their back for strenuous activity instead of using other muscles to complete tasks. Saying this, white willow can help with this particular type of pain. A trial published in the American Journal of Medicine randomized a group of 210 patients who had lower back pain. At the end of this four week study, almost half of the patients who were taking salicin extracted from white willow bark were free of pain for at least 5 days.
On that same note, 78% of patients who were hospitalized for osteoarthritic knee and hip pain and given white willow bark had significantly less pain than those who had not. White willow bark takes longer to kick in than standard Aspirin and ibuprofen products, but the effects last longer and help to lessen pain and symptoms due to osteoarthritis. The herb has also been successful in treating rheumatoid arthritis. White willow bark is also preferred for pain relief because it does not cause stomach ulcers to bleed, which is the last thing you want when the rest of your body already hurts.
Since a fever is an inflammatory reaction to an infection in your body, willow bark can help with that too. Since it can be used as a fever reducer, it can also help with the aches and pains that come with an infection or the flu.
Yes, Grandmother Willow probably had remedies for all of the above health issues, but she is a cartoon and she did not have REVV. Yes, taking Aspirin is recommended for reducing your chances of stroke and heart attack, but some of the ingredients in REVV, including white willow bark, can to do that too! Wouldn’t you rather take one product that does everything instead of having to take 17 different pills to get the same effect? We live in a day and age where everyone wants things simple and easy- here’s something simple and easy: REVV.
White Willow

Natural supplements for healthy living.