In today's email: This story about Ethel touched me so deeply -- I just had to share it with you:
"The doctors had done everything they could to her ... "
"They sent Ethyl home to die ... "
"By the third month, Ethyl enlarged her food intake to include ... "
Continue reading this incredibly moving story below now:
Wheatgrass -- and raising Ethel from the dead:
An anecdotal case of breast cancer with remission attributed to wheatgrass juice found in the book, "How and When To Be Your Own Doctor" written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with her husband Steve Solomon and published in 1997.
Note on Detoxification and Wheatgrass: The anecdotal case discusses the treatment the women received, which centered around detoxification measures involving wheat grass juice and what amounts to a variety of fasting.
Note on Ethel: Ethyl was too ill to support her own weight (only 90 pounds) and to top it off was blind from diabetic retinopathy. The doctors had done everything they could to her, and now judged her too weak to withstand any more surgery (she had already had her right breast removed). Radiation or chemotherapy were also considered impossible due to heart failure.
They sent Ethyl home to die, giving her a few days to a month at most ...
Since Ethyl was unable to digest anything given by mouth ... she was fed rectally with wheat grass juice implants three times a day. She was carried to the colonic table for a daily colonic. Wheat grass and clay poultices were applied to her tumors three times a day. She received an acupressure massage and reflexology treatments during the day, plus a lot of tender loving care. This program continued for a month during which the tumors were being reabsorbed by the body.
By the second month -- Ethyl, gradually gaining strength, was able to take wheat grass and carrot juice orally, and gradually eased into raw foods, mostly sprouts and leafy greens such as sunflower and buckwheat greens grown in trays. She started to walk with assistance up and down the halls, no longer experiencing the intense pain formerly caused by a failing heart, and most surprising of all, her eyesight returned, at first seeing only outlines, and then details.
By the third month -- Ethyl enlarged her food intake to include raw foods as well as the carrot and wheat grass juice and sprouts, plus vitamin and mineral supplements to help support her immune system and the healing process. All the tumors had been reabsorbed by her body and were no longer visible, her heart was able to support normal activity such as walking, and nonstrenuous household chores, and her diabetes had corrected itself to the point that she no longer required insulin and was able to control her blood sugar with diet.
According to Dr. Isabelle A. Moser and her husband Steve Solomon ... a person in critical condition does not have time to ease into fasting by first spending a month or two on a raw foods diet. This means that the person who is taking care of the critically ill person must be experienced enough to adjust the intensity of the body's healing efforts and accurately assess the ability of the person to process toxic waste products clamoring for removal so the ailing body is not drowned in its own poisons. It is often necessary to use clear vegetable broth, vegetable and wheat grass juices, and fruits juices, or whole sprouts to slow down the cleansing gradient and sometimes, to resupply the tissues' exhausted nutritional reserves.
Next post: We'll talk a little more about wheatgrass and detoxification in a short article about carcinogens, toxins, and mutagens.
To your new found energy, and overall glowing health,
-- WheatgrassLove